New Year, Renewed Appearance. Reveal The Best Version of Yourself with Facelift

Facelift in Beverly Hills

The new year is an excellent time to take stock of things in your life that you are happy with, and those that you wish to improve. For many, this includes their appearance. If you are becoming increasingly bothered by an aged, wrinkled, or tired facial appearance, the time to act is now. At Enhance® Plastic Surgery®, Charles S. Lee, MD knows patients want to start the year looking and feeling amazing. He recommends facelift surgery to those who need deep and permanent skin rejuvenation. Learn more about the procedure and its benefits below.

What Is Causing My Aged Appearance?

While aging is a natural process, its effects often leave us with an unflattering appearance. You may see an increase in wrinkles and lines, or you may notice sagging or drooping in the face. Over time, the formation of collagen in the body slows down significantly. Because collagen plays a key role in keeping the skin plump and youthful, a decrease in this important protein contributes to an older look.

Look Younger with Facelift

Fortunately, facelift surgery can restore a more vibrant and firm facial appearance. This procedure is ideal for removing sagging skin, helping you look like a younger version of yourself. It can also reduce deep folds within the skin on the jawline and cheeks.

A facelift can be personalized to meet your specific surgical needs, and Dr. Lee will use the best approach accordingly. A mini facelift may be recommended to patients who need less correction, such as those with mild skin laxity. During this procedure, Dr. Lee uses shorter incisions to tighten and improve the tissue and skin in the sagging areas.

A standard facelift is best for those with advanced signs of aging in the face. Through incisions that are placed near the hairline, Dr. Lee can fully reshape and underlying tissue and remove excess skin. This technique produces dramatic results.

A deep plane facelift is another surgical option that places an emphasis on lifting without having to pull the skin too tightly, leaving patients with a natural-looking result.

Combining Procedures

It is normal for facelift patients to have other cosmetic concerns related to aging. Dr. Lee is passionate about helping patients feel their best. He can create a tailored treatment plan for you that includes other procedures to complement the results of your facelift.

Call Us to Book Your Appointment

Achieve your cosmetic goals this year with a facelift in Beverly Hills. Dr. Lee and his welcoming team are ready to help you. Contact us today to book your consultation.

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