Revitalize Sagging Eyelids and Under-Eye Bags with Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery Beverly Hills

Eyelid skin and the tissues around the eyes are delicate and often show signs of aging before other facial areas. While some men and women may struggle with sagging upper eyelids or under-eye bags, many patients have cosmetic concerns with both eyelids. Blepharoplasty can address these issues separately or all at once by combining upper and lower eyelid surgery. Correcting both areas prevents patients from needing additional facial plastic surgery in the future and provides symmetrical and balanced outcomes. 

Charles S. Lee, MD, offers upper and lower blepharoplasty at Enhance® Medical Center in Beverly Hills. He can evaluate your eyelids and recommend a surgical approach that can lead to beautiful results. Combining these procedures offers more remarkable eye rejuvenation but may not be appropriate for every patient. 

What Is Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Upper blepharoplasty focuses on the thin tissues of the upper eyelids. As you age, the delicate eyelid skin may droop or sag and hang over the eyes. Age-related changes to the eyelids can make you appear tired or angry and may obstruct your eyesight as the eyelid skin droops into your field of vision. The procedure also addresses eyelid puffiness. 

Upper eyelid surgery involves incisions along the natural crease of the eyelid. Our double board-certified plastic surgeon removes excess skin and fat, repositions the tissues and muscles, and closes the incisions with sutures. The eyelid crease conceals the incision lines, so the scars are inconspicuous. 

What Is Lower Eyelid Surgery?

Lower blepharoplasty eliminates under-eye bags, dark circles, and fine lines around the eye area, such as tear troughs and “crow’s feet” around the outer edges of the eyes. There are two techniques for lower eyelid surgery; the surgical approach for your procedure depends on whether you have excess skin that requires removal.

An incision may be made just under the eyelash line on the lower eyelid. Dr. Lee removes excess skin and fat and rearranges the remaining fat, muscle, and skin tissues for a youthful, well-rested appearance. The other technique creates an incision inside the lower eyelid to reposition and tighten the tissues, but this approach does not remove loose skin. Depending on the method, lower eyelid surgery may leave a small incision line under the eyelashes or no visible mark.

The Benefits of Combining Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery

Choosing complete eyelid rejuvenation with upper and lower blepharoplasty means you will only require general anesthesia or IV sedation once. The combination procedure means a lower cost overall because you pay surgical fees for a single surgery. You can enjoy your results sooner with a youthful contour of the upper eyelids and no more under-eye bags, dark circles, or fine wrinkles around the lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty patients enjoy their younger appearance for many years and may choose to improve other facial areas with facelift, brow lift, or non-surgical treatments, such as fillers or Botox.

If you’re interested in eyelid surgery, contact Dr. Lee at Enhance® Medical Center. Contact our Beverly Hills, California, office at (310) 271-5954

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