Cosmetic Procedures That Help You Get Glowing Skin Without Makeup

Chemical peel results Beverly Hills

Clear, radiant skin is a hallmark of youth and beauty — and it is no surprise so many people are after it. However, with a myriad of skin conditions and genetic and environmental factors at play, achieving and maintaining great skin can be difficult to achieve. Makeup and other temporary measures can help for a while, but is it possible to have glowing skin even after the foundation comes off? Charles S. Lee, MD, is a board-certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon that is committed to helping patients reach their ultimate cosmetic goals. Learn more about how to achieve great skin with the procedures below.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing, also called laser peel, can improve the surface of the skin by eliminating fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and other blemishes. The laser used during this procedure gives Dr. Lee precise control, especially near delicate areas of the face. The laser delivers light beams to the treatment area, removing damaged skin layer by layer until the desired result is reached.

This procedure can improve:

  • Bothersome lines under the eyes, near the mouth, or on the forehead
  • Birthmarks
  • Scars from acne or previous skin conditions, such as chickenpox
  • Skin that is damaged from the sun

Chemical Peel

Glowing skin can be yours with chemical peels at Enhance® Medical Center. During a chemical peel, a specially formulated chemical solution is applied to the skin. This solution dramatically improves the appearance of the skin through the gentle yet effective removal of layers of the skin. Those undergoing chemical peels can expect to see an improvement in the look of scars, acne, lines from age and sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and uneven texture.

Chemical peels come in three main strengths to address a range of skin concerns and tolerances.

Light Therapy Treatment

If you suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis, light therapy treatment can help you achieve a smooth and clear complexion. Also known as intense pulsed light therapy, IPL treatments are an excellent solution for addressing sun damage, skin changes due to hormonal fluctuations, and other concerns that contribute to a dull, uneven, or older skin appearance. Those with freckles, age spots, melasma, and rosacea can all benefit from the revitalizing effects of IPL treatments.

Glowing Skin in Beverly Hills

If you are ready to achieve remarkable skin at all times without having to apply makeup, Enhance® Medical Center can help. Our specialized procedures performed by our highly trained professionals can transform the look of your skin, get rid of your most troublesome concerns, and leave you with a glow like no other. To book a consultation today, schedule now online or call our office.

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